www.neonascent.com - VirtueMart AJAX updater v 1.2: "Joomla 1.5 file:
1. Download mod_vm_ajax_update-j15-v1 (.zip, 63kb)
2. Install it from your Joomla Admin Module Installation section
3. Modify your category browse templates (found in /components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/browse) to include the following:
<div class='AJAX' pid='<?php echo $product_sku ?>'>
<div class='AJAX_field' field='product_name' title='Name' content='<?php echo $product_name; ?>'></div>
<div class='AJAX_field' field='product_s_desc' title='order' content='<?php echo $product_s_desc; ?>'></div>
<div class='AJAX_field' field='product_desc' title='Description' content=' '></div>
<div class='AJAX_field' field='product_price' title='Price' content=' '></div>
<div href='<?php echo $product_flypage; ?>' class='AJAX_detail_link'></div>
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